Who should be the next principal of WHS? Make your voice heard

Watch the video interview with candidates and submit evaluation forms before Monday, March 15: Click here for links.


We are pleased to share that the Waltham Public School system has opened up the search process for the next principal of Waltham High School to the community. Parents, students, teachers, school staff, and anyone else in the Waltham community can watch video interviews of the candidates and submit evaluation forms for each. The interview questions address issues of equity and inclusion that are critical for a school at which the majority of students are BIPOC and the majority of teachers and staff are white.

Everyone in Waltham has a stake in Waltham High School, even if you don’t have students or teachers in your family, because WHS students will likely be the future leaders of our community. Research has shown that students’ experiences at a diverse high school have a big impact on their self-image and their attitudes about race later in life. Efforts to address issues of equity and inclusion at WHS in the short-term are crucial to our efforts to address these issues throughout our community in the long-term.

We encourage everyone in Waltham to watch the video and submit evaluation forms as soon as possible. Superintendent Dr. Brian Reagan is expected to make a decision by this coming Monday 3/15.

The three candidates include two who are currently serving as assistant principals at WHS, Mrs. Brenda Peña and Mr. Darrel Braggs. The third, Michael James, is an outside candidate with experience as a principal.

We applaud the Waltham Public Schools’ decision to include the community in this process, and we believe this should be standard for all non-elected leadership positions in Waltham, not just within the school system. Superintendent Reagan is not required to choose the candidate preferred by the public, but giving the community the opportunity to influence his decision is still very important.

By watching the video and filling out evaluation forms, you’ll be making sure your voice is heard on this issue, but you’ll also be demonstrating that our community appreciates, and will take the time to participate in, this type of open process. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a trend toward open processes for important school and city decisions becoming the standard in Waltham.


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