As a community powered grassroots organization, we could not do the work we do without financial support from community members like you. Donors make it possible for us to offer expanded initiatives in Waltham, to provide community education to raise awareness of concerns facing Black people on a local, state, and federal level, and to advocate for policy changes that reduce racial disparities. Our work is driven in being intersectional and we are firm believers that our work will improve the opportunities and strengthen community throughout our city.

Here are just some of the ways that your contribution can create an impact: 

  • $25 funds food or mutual aid to members in our network

  • $50 Helps Stock Diverse books in Little libraries around our community

  • $75 One week of tutoring for a student in need of educational support

  • $100 Helps offset our website and hosting costs

  • $150 Supplies for community clean ups

  • $200 One volunteer training or social gathering

  • $250 Helps pay our BIPOC leadership & contractors

  • $500 One scholarship for a student attending trade school

  • $1000 One week of operational support for all of our programming

  • $1500 Legal Services

Now, more than ever, dismantling racism requires the involvement and engagement of the whole community.

Whether you give of your time or your money, we thank you for your generosity. 


For more information or information or to donate via check please email

Waltham Black Future Fund is LLC we are actively looking for fiscal sponsorship .