Waltham Black Future Fund

Our team is committed to promoting cross racial strategy to address economic disparities in our community

Time to move forward , together


Dream it.

The Waltham Black Future Fund acknowledges the harm that systemic racism has done to the Black community in Waltham and throughout Massachusetts, and serves as a collective hub for efforts to eradicate poverty, build generational wealth, preserve Black Culture, and celebrate the incredible resilience of the Black community.

Waltham Black Future fund centers work around uniting across movements and multiracial strategy, encouraging youth led mass engagement, abolishing mass incarceration, and addressing economic disparities and factors that allow the school to prison pipeline to exist.

Build it.

To make this happen we are looking to connect with people who have roots in Waltham who are willing to dedicate their services, time, or donations to assist us in making this dream a reality.

Please stay tuned as we are in the beginning stages of building the framework for our coalition.

Grow it.

Please volunteer your time, consider donating , attending one of our events or sharing our resources