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Public Education Committee Meeting

Since our inception this summer Waltham Black Future Fund has been building a grassroots movement of students, parents, educators, and other concerned community members to build power to push for a more equitable environment and treatment for our youth

Time to break free of a reputation where hate has been tolerated in our schools, and create a more safe and welcoming learning environment for all students.

We have a lot of work to do but that wont stop us. This movement is dependent on our collective unity to ensure that our Waltham administration commitment to change is followed through.

Listen in on a few of our committee members as we open one of our meetings to the public for input and collaboration.

We will be discussing partnership opportunities with WPS, our tutoring initiative, scholarships, and ways to get involved.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 2700 6962

Passcode: 343370

October 29

Creating a Safe Space to Talk About Race: a Kaleidoscope Experience

November 3

Virtual Community Gathering