ACTION NEEDED: Waltham Homelessness Coalition


If you follow our organization efforts and feel compelled to advocate for equality this cannot stop in the Courts or even the Classroom. We believe the intersectionality of our work must be recognized and we are excited to join a growing coalition of Waltham organizations advocating for our unhoused neighbors. .

COVID-19 has had a detrimental impact in our city but those of us who are most vulnerable suffer the most. Because of restrictions on public spaces, those experiencing homelessness in Waltham are unable to find shelter during the day, exposing them to the elements and making them more susceptible to the disease. To add insult to injury, Waltham has no public restroom facilities meaning that these same people are forced to go hours on end without relief or else risk retaliation from authorities for public indecency.

Unfortunately in this struggle minority groups in the United States experience homelessness at higher rates than Whites, and therefore make up a disproportionate share of the homeless population

By far the most striking disproportionality can be found among African Americans, who make up 40 percent of the homeless population despite only representing 13 percent of the general population. This imbalance is not improving over time and we must take action to improve the health and welfare for all of our brothers and sisters.

Regardless of race, background ,or circumstance we believe housing & access to bathroom facilities is a human right.

Please join us in demanding public restrooms and a safe haven for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Please co-sign this letter to Mayor McCarthy and forward this to sympathetic Waltham residents and organizations you know personally to sign as soon as possible!

Letter to the Mayor:

Sign here:


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