This giving Tuesday ..

This Giving Tuesday we would ask you to donate to Waltham Black Future Fund as we raise money towards helping an African American unhoused Waltham community member obtain their citizen ID. We have worked with them closely, and the only thing stopping them from getting on housing lists are fees associated to obtaining required identification . Our fundraising goal for today is $500.00 .

Part of our mission is to address the systemic issues facing our community here in Waltham . African-Americans make up 13 percent of the general population. Twenty-one percent of people living in poverty in the United States are black, according to census data. But African-Americans account for 40 percent of people experiencing homelessness — and half of homeless families with children, according to the 2018 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR), produced by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. *

Your support helps us build a world where getting this kind of help does not cost $500, where these types of struggles aren’t commonplace. Until we succeed, we are hoping to hoping to make a difference today in one of our neighbors lives.




Thank you Waltham


ACTION NEEDED: Community first