
Today we ask for unison & action to demand those who represent us stand on the right side of history and and step outside the self imposed limits of bureaucracy to be a model of what a collaborative public safety department can accomplish.

What we have seen in Waltham when we have requested records is unfortunate.

In the event that transparency is pursued, all too often some police department requests substantial payments to make this information available to the public.

This isn’t complete transparency. Where the police department is concerned, transparency should improve accountability while rebuilding trust in the police department. However, most attempts to offer data transparency are branded as “anti-cop” by police unions or politicians. This shouldn’t be so.

There are many benefits to total and complete transparency. In fact, it is highly recommended that the police department waives or reduces exorbitant fees associated with data accessibility. We explore why there is a need for increased transparency and the immense benefits that it offers the relationship between the public and the police.

NO matter what is communicated - the fact remains our police department can waive or reduce fees that are associated with public data accessibility.

Doing this comes with many benefits for the general public and, of course, law enforcement operations.

Policy Change

Although the petition to encourage the broad release of data is still in its infancy, earlier efforts have already offered encouraging outcomes. This is illustrated in New York’s stop-and-frisk policy. The release of raw data showed that for every 10 people stopped by officers, 9 were innocent. More importantly, 9 out of every 10 people stopped and searched by the police department were people of non-white ethnicities.

This honest analysis was the driver for policy changes. In 2011, the NYPD conducted 685,724 stops. By 2014, the number had dropped to 46,235. Data transparency and openness can help identify legitimate issues within the working system.

Improved Public Image

With reduced payments for access to data, the public can quickly analyze and review this information. This level of openness can do a lot toward improving the public image. Additionally, it leaves room for accountability.

For example, with transparency, members of law enforcement can be reprimanded for wrong procedural actions.

Eliminate Misconceptions

Data transparency is not only about releasing cam footage and case data.

For instance, a dialogue session between the police, the public, and the media can help clear up misconceptions about police policy.

For illustration, police departments in Oregon have put a detailed version of their procedural manual online. This progressive step can do wonders for public opinion and acceptability. It was only be a small step. But it’s one in the right direction.

In closing, community voices are an essential component for understanding and improving the public’s perception of police legitimacy and fairness. When certain special-interest groups label any critic as an opponent of the police, they intentionally obscure the distinction between undue attacks and legitimate criticism of practices or policies. And by resisting accountability in this way, they reduce police legitimacy in the eyes of those they serve, making community members less likely to report crimes or work with law enforcement to solve cases. S Felton- R Street

Today we ask for one small step and hope Waltham PD will join us and release the requested records free of charge.

Please email below and encourage those who represent us to rise to the occasion in this time of change in our country and do the right thing in spirit of the law to build a stronger bridge in our community among ALL members.




Human Resources:

Assistant City Solicitor:


I hope you are doing well. I write this email to request all fees be waived in support of requests made by Waltham community members related to Waltham SRO, use of force records, and complaints and investigations into Waltham Police Department .

This act will be symbolic of the strength of integrity & leadership of our local police department.I hope Waltham PD serves to be an example of openness, accountability, and needed public discourse when discussing policing in our communities.

Help us build a stronger more inclusive community built on the foundation of collaboration and transparency .

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.


[Your Full Name]

[Your address]



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